Tuxedo style

How to Get the Perfect Tuxedo Fit

Tuxedo styleWhen it comes to donning a tuxedo, getting the perfect fit - whether for a special corporate event or your own wedding - can be a breeze, with some tips in mind.

The first thing to do is to check out the wide range of options (one of which will be best for your body type), and which suits your particular style, not to mention the affair you need to attend. Are you the sophisticated type who revels in luxury cars, loves looking dapper, and will pay for quality togs? Or are you the finicky but not-that-extravagant type who will follow the prescribed dress code for an event? Or perhaps you're not comfortable with high fashion, but want classic quality threads, in which case a traditional tuxedo may suit you fine. Comfort is key for men looking for formal apparel like a tuxedo. A quality brand of tux usually offers a good fit, even if you purchase it from an online merchant (which is recommended only for those who have sorted out a reputable seller, preferably one recommended by a family or friend) or from an experienced store where you can get fitted properly. Your safest bet is to war one that's made to measure. To get the perfect tuxedo fit, you'll have to go through an entire process that involves setting aside tome.

There's a tuxedo style suited for tall & lean men, and the best option for those with a shorter, heavier build who need to accentuate height). A tuxedo with thread count higher than the regular 70 to 80 is lighter, drapes & holds up nicely throughout the day.

Tuxedo styleTo ensure that your tux is true to your body type & personality, discuss things with your designer. Compared to a tailor, who tends to rely on formulaic patterns, a designer is more updated with suit trends. Mention what you like to wear and your dominant personality. Be clear also on how and when the tuxedo will be worn.

The designer will then take your measurements. It may be good to bring the shoes you plan to wear with your tux. That way, proper trouser length can be ascertained. As for the jacket's fit, the general rule is that a slimmer cut is more flattering. Don't wear baggy or loose shirt and pants. An extra fitting may be necessary to factor in possible weight changes or last-minute alterations to the fit. Some guys request that the first fitting be mad while the suit's half-finished, so that there will be no major work and doubling of charges.

Tuxedo styleA good tailor or designer would know that the three measurements that provide the best guidelines for an accurate fit are the over-arm, chest (the chest portion of the tux should be roomy enough so as not to restrict movement), and the seat (around the hips and buttocks). In certain cases, like if the difference between the coat size and waist size is seven inches or more, a made-to-measure tuxedo is certainly a better choice than a ready-made tuxedo.

For certain occasions, like an occasional formal party, opting for a ready-made designer tux in lieu of a generic or private label may entail big bucks, but stylists say they're worth the investment. ( By Harry A Lee )

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